What is the QRFN?
The QRFN is a network of like-minded people and groups involved in recreational fishing who share information, strategize and advocate regarding rebuilding Queensland’s depleted and overfished fish stocks and moving the management of the state’s fisheries towards world’s best practice.
Our Vision“Queensland will be recognized as having the best recreational fishery in Australia”
Our Goals1. To see fish stocks in Queensland rebuilt and maintained at abundance levels similar to those of the 1970’s.
2. To have world best practice fisheries management practices implemented in Queensland 3. To have a recreational fishery where recreational fishers have a reasonable expectation that they will be able to catch enough fish of good size and quantity, either for the family to eat or for enjoyment and sport as they choose 4. To see recreational fishers acknowledged by government and fisheries managers as the legitimate majority stakeholder and user group with respect to the state’s inshore finfish resources |